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The Nightingale


(Scroll down to English version)


Nattergalen er et af H. C. Andersens smukkeste eventyr, og med temaet “det naturlige” overfor “det kunstgjorde” har det nok aldrig været mere aktuelt end netop nu.

Og det smukkeste ved berettelsen er, at H. C. Andersen jo ikke blot forkaster det ene i forhold til det andet, men lader eventyret kredse omkring, hvad der er den essentielle forskel mellem sand natur og kunstfærdighed, og at begge kan have sin berettigelse.

Historien er sat til at foregå i det gamle Kina, og i Ellen Hillingsøs og Poul Høxbros udgave af eventyret omkranses fortællingen af klassisk og traditionel kinesisk musik på den urgamle kinesiske fløjte, xun, og med klange fra kinesiske gonger, bækkener og klokker.

Foretillingen kan udvides med en poetisk introduktion bestående af europæiske nattergaletoner og tekster af blandt andre St. St. Blicher.



THE NIGHTINGALE BY ELLEN HILLINGSØ (reading) AND POUL HØXBRO (xun and Chinese percussion)

The Nightingale is one of H. C. Andersen's most beautiful fairy tales, and with its theme of "the natural" versus "the artificial," it has perhaps never been more relevant than it is today.

The most beautiful aspect of the story is that H. C. Andersen does not simply reject one in favor of the other but instead lets the tale revolve around the essential difference between true nature and artistry, showing that both can have their validity.

The story is set in ancient China, and in Ellen Hillingsø and Poul Høxbro's adaptation, the narrative is surrounded by classical and traditional Chinese music played on the ancient Chinese flute, the xun, accompanied by sounds from Chinese gongs, cymbals, and bells.

The performance can be enhanced with a poetic introduction featuring European nightingale tones and texts by the Danish author and poet St. St. Blicher and others.